Wednesday, February 25, 2009

module 2&3

STUDENTS NAME: ______________________
COURSE: ______________________
DATE: ______________________
SUBJECT: Data Structures_________
INSTRUCTOR: Engr. Arthur N. Villanueva Jr.

Research Work:
To be place on a short bond paper.
Kindly place it on a folder. Due Monday. Im there from 8am-5pm
Note: Module no. 2 is for Catherine , Module no. 3 is for floresca

Research the following and make a powerpoint presentation of each module(include some diagrams).
Note: the power point presentation will be send to my email or art08_villanueva

Module no. 2. Link list, stacks,queues.
a. Link list
b. Different kinds of linked list ( include diagrams)
c. Linked list programs using c/c++
d. Stacks
e. Push & Pop
f. Queues
g. Different kinds of queues
h. Recursion
i. Recursion programs using c/c++

Module no. 3: Trees, binary trees, tree traversal
A. Trees
B. Different kinds of trees
C. Binary trees
D. Complete binary tree
E. Data structure of a tree
F. Data structure of a binary tree
G. Traversal (preorder,inorder,postorder)
H. C/C++ implementation of binary tree

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

module activity no.1

STUDENTS NAME: ______________________

COURSE: ______________________

DATE: ______________________

SUBJECT: Data Structures_________

INSTRUCTOR: Engr. Arthur N. Villanueva Jr.


Research Work:

To be place on a short bond paper. Computerized, Due Monday. Im there from 8am-5pm.

Research the following:

a. Data structures

b. Arrays ( one dimensional, two dimensional and multidimensional)

c. Pointers

d. Abstract Data Types

e. Algorithm

f. Pseudo-code

g. Example programs in C++ using arrays (at least two examples)

h. Exampleprograms in C++ using pointers (at least two)